
Defining a China Sourcing Agent

Apr 25, 2022

Defining a China Sourcing Agent

When becoming a product seller, there are many considerations including the best way to source your goods. Advice on the best way to achieve this can come from many directions, making the choice convoluted and confusing. Using a sourcing agent to help navigate the acquisition of your goods may be the best way to proceed for your business. Using a China sourcing agent is an added bonus with many added benefits.

Let’s Define Sourcing Agent

A sourcing agent is a person who assists foreign sellers on product procurement through the import and export process. China sourcing agents will own the sourcing process from start to finish on behalf of your company. Sourcing agents will find the best manufacturer based on your needs and facilitate contracts and agreements with China-based companies.

Benefits of a Sourcing Agent

Since sourcing agents act on behalf of your company, they will have a robust understanding of your company’s product needs, supply goals, and forecasted cost of goods to ensure you are getting the best pricing and working with the best companies. Sourcing agents are experts in collaborating with foreign companies; therefore, understanding how to navigate language and currency barriers that may arise. Since they are based in China, they are also privy to information that could be beneficial such as the best manufactures in the area and the coordination of exporting.

Choosing the Right Sourcing Agent is Important

Ultimately, working with a China sourcing agent will save you both time and money. A China sourcing agent uses their expertise to help clients navigate through cost negotiations, shipping, and even language barriers. A great sourcing agent will already have an established presence in China. This allows for faster and easier communication with China-based suppliers. Agents who are in China can plan meetings quickly and more cost-effective than having to commute overseas or deal with time zone challenges that may arise.

Agents located in China will also help you avoid untrustworthy or unpredictable suppliers who prey on foreign businesses. The local agent will be able to spot check products and have drop in facility visits to make sure everything is operating properly, and you are getting quality merchandise.

Because sourcing agents have several clients, many will have specialized areas of knowledge. If you are selling home and beauty products, you can find an agent who works with suppliers who are accustomed to providing those items. If you are selling clothing, partnering with an agent who has other fashion clients can be a great benefit. They will have experiences with sizing, cuts, and materials.


There are valuable benefits to working with a China sourcing agent. Although some people may believe that sourcing China suppliers on their own will be less expensive, this could easily not be the case. China sourcing agents can stop you from falling victim to scams that some suppliers use to trick Western businesses out of money by providing mediocre quality goods at high prices. Navigating customs and import details may not be the best use of your time. China agents can also assist in this area.

To get more information on how Global Manufacturing Sales can assist you with your sourcing needs, contact us at Info@GlobalManufacturingSales.com or (732) 970-7800. We will be your boots on the ground partner in the US and in China.

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